Rabu, 23 Februari 2011
[Sean Kingston]
I see them coming, yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
Yeah, i think they mad 'cause I'm driving in the fast lane
but i've been grindin' for years, ask hype game
It's funny how stuff doesn't change
From sleepin' in the car to coppin' me that Range
I'm all world star
All them other blogs
All them haters hatin' cause I am a heart throb
But do i want it all?
All the negativity is not gonna get rid of me
I'm here to make history
I'm speakin' it real
Back track to the days when I ain't have me a deal, yeah
So I'ma show the world that I'm ill
Every beat that i get on best believe I'ma kill
So you can have all the jewelry
Have all the cars
Have all the fame
Have all the broads
you can have the fact that I'm a star
Just so you can listen to these bars
[Justin Bieber]
I see them coming. Yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
Yeah, they talk. Yeah, they talk.
They don't walk the walk I walk.
I won't stop, 'til I drop.
Until then, I reach the top.
I'ma rock to where I need to be.
Walk the path of destiny.
Definitely been neglected, but God is always testin' me.
Rest in peace to all the men that died that were protecting me. Objectively, I need to tell you what just gets the best of me.
Essentially, people in this world just wanna let it be.
A lot of men ain't different though, just let it be.
Set it free.
Never be scared to make change, effectively.
Always look at things from different ways, perspectively.
Every person in this world can do good.
I just want this message understood.
Alright.. stop.
Everybody's gotta listen make the decision to envision a better place with no division.
Everybody needs a mission. Haters need to stop it, just listen.
[Sean Kingston]
I see them coming, yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
[Justin Bieber]
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
I see them coming, yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
Yeah, i think they mad 'cause I'm driving in the fast lane
but i've been grindin' for years, ask hype game
It's funny how stuff doesn't change
From sleepin' in the car to coppin' me that Range
I'm all world star
All them other blogs
All them haters hatin' cause I am a heart throb
But do i want it all?
All the negativity is not gonna get rid of me
I'm here to make history
I'm speakin' it real
Back track to the days when I ain't have me a deal, yeah
So I'ma show the world that I'm ill
Every beat that i get on best believe I'ma kill
So you can have all the jewelry
Have all the cars
Have all the fame
Have all the broads
you can have the fact that I'm a star
Just so you can listen to these bars
[Justin Bieber]
I see them coming. Yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
Yeah, they talk. Yeah, they talk.
They don't walk the walk I walk.
I won't stop, 'til I drop.
Until then, I reach the top.
I'ma rock to where I need to be.
Walk the path of destiny.
Definitely been neglected, but God is always testin' me.
Rest in peace to all the men that died that were protecting me. Objectively, I need to tell you what just gets the best of me.
Essentially, people in this world just wanna let it be.
A lot of men ain't different though, just let it be.
Set it free.
Never be scared to make change, effectively.
Always look at things from different ways, perspectively.
Every person in this world can do good.
I just want this message understood.
Alright.. stop.
Everybody's gotta listen make the decision to envision a better place with no division.
Everybody needs a mission. Haters need to stop it, just listen.
[Sean Kingston]
I see them coming, yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
[Justin Bieber]
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
There's a dream in my soul
A fire that's deep inside me
There's a me no one knows
Waiting to be set free
I gonna see that day
I can feel it
I can taste it
Change is coming my way
I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me
I light up the sky like lighting
I gonna rise above
Show em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me
This life can kick you around (woah)
This world can make you feel small (woah)
They will not keep me down (woah)
I was born to stand tall
I'm going all the way
I can feel it
I believe it
I'm here
I'm here to stay
I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothin' that's ever gonna stop me
I light up the sky like lightening
I gonna rise above
Show em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me
Feel it...
Believe it...
Dream it...
Be it...
I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me
I'll light up the sky like lighting
I'm gonna rise above
Show em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me
Whoa oh
Whoa oh
And this world will belong to me
Ye-ah ye-ah
And this world will belong to me
A fire that's deep inside me
There's a me no one knows
Waiting to be set free
I gonna see that day
I can feel it
I can taste it
Change is coming my way
I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me
I light up the sky like lighting
I gonna rise above
Show em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me
This life can kick you around (woah)
This world can make you feel small (woah)
They will not keep me down (woah)
I was born to stand tall
I'm going all the way
I can feel it
I believe it
I'm here
I'm here to stay
I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothin' that's ever gonna stop me
I light up the sky like lightening
I gonna rise above
Show em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me
Feel it...
Believe it...
Dream it...
Be it...
I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me
I'll light up the sky like lighting
I'm gonna rise above
Show em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be
And this world will belong to me
Whoa oh
Whoa oh
And this world will belong to me
Ye-ah ye-ah
And this world will belong to me
Kamis, 17 Februari 2011
Just for you PUTRI...
You are my only love. You have me completely in your power. I know and feel that if I am to write anything fine or noble in the future I shall do so only by listening to the doors of your heart. ... I love you deeply and truly ,PUTRI. ... There is not a particle of my love that is not yours. ... If you would only let me I would speak to you of everything in my mind but sometimes I fancy from your look that you would only be bored by me. Anyhow,I love you. I cannot live without you. I would like to give you everything that is mine, any knowledge I have (little as it is) any emotions I myself feel or have felt, any likes or dislikes I have, any hopes I have or remorse. I would like to go through life side by side with you, telling you more and more until we grew to be one being together until the hour should come for us to die. Even now the tears rush to my eyes and sobs choke my throat as I write this. Nora, we have only one short life in which to love. O my darling be only a little kinder to me, bear with me a little even if I am inconsiderate and unmanageable and believe me we will be happy together. Let me love you in my own way. Let me have your heart always close to mine to hear every throb of my life, every sorrow, every joy....
our story :)
Siang itu (gue lupa jamnya) pas pulsek gue mutusin buat on pc.. rencana sih cuma mau tweeting doang.. ngga tau kenapa pas itu gue juga on YM. Di twitter gue pas lagi open follow tuh, pas udah gue follow beberapa acc.. gue mutusin buat ym-an bentar. Pas gue nulis tweet ‘yang mau di add YM nya RT+ID/email’ tiba2 ada acc dengan nama @puttlicious ngeRTin dan ngasih ID nya.. yaudah lah gue add tuh ym dia. Pas udah di approve, mulai dah tuh kenalan dan blabla. Awalnya gue manggil dia kakak karena pas itu dia bilang kalo dia udah kuliah di jkt (sedangkan gue masih SMA di jogja pula…sediiiiihh) Gatau kenapa gue jadi sering ngYM dia. Sempet beberapa kali gue cerita masalah ‘si freak’ ke dia. Yang udah gatahan lagi pengen gue putusin.!
Sehari sebelum putus tuh gue curhat ke putri. Ngomong enaknya gimana kalo misal gue putusin orang yg gue sendiri udah jijik ngeliatnya. Alhasil dengan adanya curhat2an itu (bahasa gue dih) tukeran nomer hempon lah kita, hoho!
Singkat kata, pas tanggal 13 januari gue udah resmi putus dan gue berhak menyandang status JOMBLO -__-“
Besoknya gue mulai intens hubungan sama tuh anak (putri dong yaa..siapa lagi?). Sampe pada akhirnya gue manggil dia sayang..(DON’T KNOW WHY). Suatu saat dia tanya ke gue yang intinya apa panggilan sayang yg aku kasih ke dia itu juga berlaku buat cewe laen?. Aku jawab engga dan itu emang kenyataan.
Ngga tau kenapa selama aku kenal dia aku jadi bisa ketawa lagi. Dia kocak sih.. gila… dan aku suka ;)
16 Januari 2011 kembali aku buka YM aku.. putri juga udah nongol disitu -__- waktu lagi nge’blabla’ ria, tbtb dia bilang ,
>puttlicious “di.. aku suka sama kamu”
>edanodi “gue juga”
>puttlicious “mmm tapi gamungkin ya kita?”
>edanodi “gamungkin apanya?”
>puttlicious “gapapa”
“aku pergi aja ya dari kehidupan kamu”
>edanodi “yah jangan”
>puttlicious “kamu ngga mungkin suka sama aku”
>edanodi “kata siapa?”
>puttlicious “kata aku barusan”
>edanodi “sok tau.. suka kok ”
>puttlicious “so?”
>edanodi “kita jadian”
>puttlicious “ha? Bener?
>edanodi “iya ”
Intinya gitu awal kita jadian, jujur ini cuma copast postingan putri karena gue pribadi udah lupa -__-v (sorry….)
Tapi walopun gue copast masalah ini, gue gaakan pernah lupa gimana rasa sayang yg elo kasih ke gue selama ini put. Udah sebulan lebih kita ngejalanin hubungan ini, tapi itu berasa lama banget. Banyak banget pelajaran yg gue ambil setelah gue jadian sama elo.. gue jadi bisa memahami gimana sih cara ngasih perhatian orang yg kita sayang di laen tempat yang jauuuuh ;( gimana cara kita buat saling menghargai satu sama laen, tanpa ada rasa benci.. sulit sih memang.. tapi gue bakal pertahanin karena gue sayang sama elo.. gue cinta eloo.. ngga tau deh harus berkali2 ngomong ke elo juga, gabakal bisa ngegambarin gimana perasaan gue ke elo..
Pas elo deket sama si bangsat “ I “ hati gue sakit banget put.. gaboong! Apalagi pas ngerti kalian lagi otpan :(((((( itu NYESEK tingkat dewa banget!! sakiiiiiiiiiiiit banget denger kata itu.. sorry gue marah ke elo tapi itu karena gue beneran cinta dan gamau kehilangan elo..
Oke ceritanya cukup sampai disini..
Gue harap elo suka ya kakak KARTIKA PUTRI MENTARI J hahaha
Happy anniv 16-01-11 ~~ 16-02-11 sayang… I love you always with all my heart :*
I always knew you were the best the coolest girl I know.. so prettier than all the rest the star of my show..
“ You’re my special little lady..the one that makes me crazy..of all the girls I’ve ever known.. its you..its you ~ OB” ;)
Yes, I now feel that it was then on that evening of sweet dreams - that the very first dawn of human love burst upon the icy night of my spirit. Since that period I have never seen nor heard your name without a shiver half of delight, half of anxiety.... For years your name never passed my lips, while my soul drank in, with a delirious thirst, all that was uttered in my presence respecting you...
A Special World - Sheelagh Lennon
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.
And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.
And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.
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